Who is Brad Hunt?

Originally from West Virginia, Brad began skydiving in 2000 at Tri-State Skydivers in Chesapeake, Ohio when his friend, Josh Wiseman, asked him to tag along and do a skydive.  Brad was instantly hooked and eventually became a full-time skydiver around 2007.  Since then, Brad has become one of skydiving’s most talented flyers and instructors.  In an effort to develop a more skilled group of skydivers to jump with, Brad cultivated a freeflying scene known as SOFly (Southern Ohio Freefly) which still lives on today at Start Skydiving in Middletown, Ohio.


In 2014, Brad moved to Florida full-time where, along with his wife Mallory, he continues to coach, organize state, national, and world records, host training events, lead courses in movement jumps, teach skydivers the art of large formations, and introduce brand new skydivers to the sport.  Brad has made about 14,000 skydives to date and holds more than 35 skydiving records along with numerous medals in both skydiving and indoor tunnel flying.


Of his career, Brad is most proud of his students who have become respectable skydivers, some of whom are now flying along side him on large formation records.  Brad says “If you’re not having fun, you're doing it wrong!”


Aside from skydiving, Brad enjoys fishing, playing guitar, and making tasty steaks and craft cocktails.  Brad and Mallory have three spoiled fur kids.